Wednesday 1 May 2013

Strategic dividend policy made by Apple

Nowadays, in order to expand the scale and assets for company, the dividend is a useful tool for attract investors to put their money in companies. The aim of all investor to move their money is to achieve more wealth and they are not charity. Therefore, dividend is the most direct approach to compensate the contribution of investors and it is also able be creating value for company.

In the case of ‘Apple profits fall for first time in a decade’, the Apple made a net profit of $9.5bn in the first quarter in this year, which has been decreased from $11.6bn last year. However, the dividend of Apple Inc. surprise rises up 15% after they dropped profit. What makes this happened?

Before analyze the reason of Apple raise their dividend up, it is necessary to know about what is the impact of dividend. The dividend is usually effect the decision from investors and it is also a basic resource to help investors make decision about what company can invest and how much can put money in. Dividend is possible to change to shares by the shares trading. However, the dividend policy is made to restraint investors and protects creditors. For investors, the high dividends are always good news and low dividends are bad news. However, in the reality, the high dividends may imply a lack of attractive investments as result of lower future investment returns, and the low dividends may indicate many attractive investments as result of better future prospects.  

The Clientele Effect suggests that the stable growth dividends are the best way to keep investors stay. This is because a very low dividend will make investors lose their confidence and a very high dividend will make investors feel that the unsustainable in long term. Therefore, the managers can maintain the dividends when profit going down and raise little scale of dividend when the profit going up.

Back to the Apple case, Apple made a lowest net profit around the recent ten year, but they raise their dividend up. For my point of view, this decision is made very correct and strategic. Relating with apple recent market situation, especially in the smartphone market, Apple is always improving their old style phone after iphone4 was launched. However, the competitor of Apple has launched many new phones which have new design and new feature such as Samsung and HTC. The phone industry of Apple is obviously losing the competitive advantage. The investors are looking for the innovation in Apple and they trust that the Innovation of Apple will bring more wealth. However, the net profit decreased is very possibly led Apple to lose many investors. Apple is impossible to create Innovation without investors’ supports. Therefore, the managers have to increase the dividend to keep their investors and shareholder, and more, the increasing of dividend is possible to attract more investors. They are the main financial supports to Apple create new innovation. ‘The most important objective for Apple will always be creating innovative products’ from The CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, to calm investors’ fears.